The Swollen Lymph Nodes In My Neck: See What Happened


Hello and welcome! My name is Steve, and I’m honored that you’ve found this space. If you are seeking a deeper answer to your lymph nodes, you are not alone! There is another way, and I hope that my experiences are illuminating for you.

Today, I’m sharing my story about healing the swollen lymph nodes in my neck, and how that experience completely changed the direction of my life.

When I was in the thick of it, it was confusing, scary, and lonely. After healing them completely and looking back, I'm grateful that this actually happened because it ignited my spiritual awakening, helped me reclaim trust in myself and my body, fostered a deep sense of love and acceptance for who I am, and expanded my life in ways I never would have imagined so that I can be of service to others. If someone would have told me that would all happen because of swollen lymph nodes…I would have never believed it. Now, I see that it was all part of the divine plan.

Who am I? I’m Steve, a spiritual somatic guide who helps people tap into their natural healing power and move into synergy with body, mind, emotions, and spirit. My swollen lymph nodes were the gift to awaken me to my purpose as a healing guide, the impetus for deep appreciation of my authentic spirit, and the reason I now hold a potent space of transformation for others.

I did NOT heal the swollen lymph nodes in my neck with medications, surgery, diets, cleanses, exercise, supplements, acupuncture, or lymphatic drainage massages. I did try most of those things (minus meditations and surgery) for a long time, and while they helped a bit, that’s not what helped me find lasting healing results. If you’ve tried those things too and are still looking for answers to your lymph system, you may find my story a fresh and welcomed perspective.

Before We Dive Into The Swollen Lymph Nodes In My Neck

When I was experiencing a chain of swollen lymph nodes in my neck, I tried to fight them for 2.5 years with a host of external treatments, believing it would solve my problem. What I didn’t realize is that I was full of repressed emotional pain, creating a long-standing internal battle within myself…and the lymph nodes were just the messenger. It wasn’t until I turned my healing inward that the swelling in my lymph nodes dissolved for good. If that’s something you want too, let’s connect and get it started for you.

The Start Of My Journey With Swollen Lymph Nodes

I remember so vividly, being on a hospital bed, lying there, getting the cold gel of an ultrasound applied to my neck, which is where my chain of lymph nodes was swollen over five times the normal size. The fear that came with that, the panic. Just feeling my whole body tense up as the ultrasound wand was rubbed over the lymph nodes. Waiting for an answer to what I knew was going to be life-changing. But looking back at that moment I'm so grateful that that actually happened because it set me on a completely different path in my life, it woke me up, and it started to show me a whole different way of life.

So that was about 4-5 years ago, and I was in a place of constant anxiety and tension in my body that I wasn't even aware of. I had a lot of stress going on that was basically a culmination of me not dealing with pent up emotions and traumas over the years. And not to say it was anything extremely traumatic for me, but as I've learned over time the more you don't allow your emotions to flow through you, they get bottled up and stuck inside, and they start to cause disruption to your body and to your spirit, it's all connected.

But I didn't see that at the time, all I knew is I had these swollen lymph nodes that at the time my chiropractor noticed. Having to deal with the fear and the panic associated with, “Why is this happening? What's going on? What's wrong?” So I went to my GP and after about five minutes, he kind of just brushed me off and wanted me to go get an ultrasound which is where I started my story today. I got no answers right then, I had to wait for my results which took over a week to get and in the meantime, the stories that swirled in my head, the worst-case scenarios that would pop up all the time really sent me into a panic.

So I went back to my GP when my results were in, and the test came back inconclusive meaning that they didn't find anything wrong. And so my doctor wanted me to get a biopsy and at that point, something clicked in me. And I thought to myself, "This just doesn't feel right.” I had had it at that point. I had been waiting for months for answers without any progress, and I decided to do something about it. And that is when I decided to really take control of my health. What I didn't realize is it was going to lead me down a path, a healing journey, that would lead me to a shift in my career, a spiritual awakening, and helping others heal themselves. That it would lead to me becoming a healer.


Anne and I picked a bucket-load of blueberries out at a local farm patch!

Because at that point, I had been a commercial photographer for numerous years and the stress of that job coupled with the resentment that I felt towards that business for the lack of control I felt I had over it, for not feeling confident in myself at that point; it was all this kind of perfect mixture to really cause some havoc. But I now see that it was my body communicating with me and really, I believe that it was Source, Universe, God, whatever you'd like to call it, a Higher Power trying to just wake me up and say, "Hey, there's something wrong here, and it's not just physical. You're feeling stuck, you're feeling unfulfilled, you're stressed out all the time, you're out of balance. You're not aligned with your purpose." But those messages came to me through my swollen lymph nodes, through that part of my journey.

Starting My Alternative Healing Path

I went on this whole road of self-healing and exploring different healing modalities. And I dabbled in Chinese medicine for a long time, seeing an acupuncturist and an herbalist which was wonderful, and honestly, it provided some really beautiful healing for me, but I hit a plateau at some point that I couldn't get over. My lymph nodes had gone down in size, but they weren't resolving, and I just knew there was something else going on that I couldn't explain. I just remember looking for answers everywhere, Googling everything, researching every type of natural health website, just looking for something outside of myself to answer the questions that I had to my own problems. And what I've learned over time is that the answers aren't out there; the answers are inside of me. The answers are inside of each and every one of us.

Trapped Emotions & My Spiritual Awakening

Basically, my body was screaming at me to wake up. "Listen to me! I've got something to tell you! Something's off; something's wrong, and it's not just your body, it's your spirit, it's your emotional center! You're not connected into life, into your heart, into your purpose." And I'm so grateful for those messages. Yes, it was of course challenging; it was scary as hell. But through this experience, which is numerous years, I came to realize that so much of it had to do with unprocessed emotions that I had not dealt with. And this is when it really started dawning on me that there's actually a mental and emotional connection here to these physical symptoms which I had never heard before. This was life-changing for me. It's like I woke up.

And so I started digging into these self-healing techniques of releasing trapped emotions, releasing unresolved traumas that had been stored in my body, in my spirit, in my emotional heart center, and I started noticing huge shifts. Not only did the swelling in my lymph nodes go down and completely resolve, but it improved so much more that I didn't even realize was connected. My anxiety started to clear up, I started feeling more connected to life, and I started noticing how much of a victim I was making myself out to be. I was just stuck in a victim mentality and it woke me up to that and it started to heal itself through all of these beautiful energy techniques.

So I was in that phase for probably a solid two years of really going deep within myself, addressing childhood traumas, addressing trapped emotions, addressing unhealthy cords that had me attached to past experiences or people that were no longer serving me. And it was through this beautiful process of my body speaking to me to then connect with my emotions in my heart that I found profound healing. And I've never felt better physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.


My family is my happy place, and I feel so grateful for their love and support. This is me, my wife Anne, and our dog Ferne.

And that's what's beautiful about this, too, is it led me to a spiritual awakening where I really started reconnecting with my soul, my purpose, the essence of who I am, and really start to come alive to wake that up, to show it to people, not hide it anymore. Because that had been my default, "it's not safe to be who I really am for I'm going to get hurt,” because of the lessons that I have learned in my life. I was always different than most typical men, and I learned that that wasn't safe so I had to put a mask on in order to be accepted, to be safe basically…to get through the day. And this process, this spiritual awakening, has shown me that, "Hey, you're great just as you are." And I can love and accept myself and if people don't, that's okay. I know I'm not for everybody, but at the end of the day I have to accept and love myself, and that's what this journey has shown me. It's about acceptance, it's about loving myself and being connected to a bigger purpose.

And I wanted to share that all with you if you are struggling with your own health issue or if you're dealing with swollen lymph nodes right now, to give you a different perspective that it's trying to tell you something. It's trying to tell you something more, so I encourage you to start listening to your body. Go within, really connect with your heart and see what's off you, what's off-balance. Ask yourself questions like, “Am I connected into life, or am I just going through the motions? Am I afraid to be myself? Am I afraid to show who I really am? Am I doing what I'm called to do?” We have to ask ourselves these questions because once you start answering them, it's such a beautiful awakening and a beautiful journey that's filled with health, vitality, love, and purpose. And I hope that this has helped you because it's really important to me to share my story to show that it is possible to move through health challenges. And this has shown me my purpose in life, to help people heal, to show them that there is a different way. That when you are connected in body, mind, and spirit, it is truly incredible!

I hope that my story illuminates that lymph challenges go much deeper than the foods we eat and the stress we are under. I tried to “fight” my lymph nodes for a long time, believing that would solve my problem. What I didn’t realize was that I was deeply conflicted inside myself and the lymph nodes were just the messenger. I didn’t realize that the body could communicate in such profound ways – it was actually trying to help me, showing me that it was time to start loving myself without conditions.


I went on a winding journey to get to the heart of my lymph challenge. And looking back, it’s clear that I traveled it to guide the way for others. My healing journey brought me back to myself, and I now have the honor to help others get there too.

Beyond my lymph, turning my healing inward ignited a deep spiritual connection within myself, and my healing gifts started to surface. I felt so much lighter as I allowed the years and years of stagnant emotions to soften and flow. People started commenting on how peaceful my energy is, how I had a glow about me, and how I just looked content and more confident in myself.

My body led me to that point. I’m in awe that the wisdom within knew what was possible for me all along.

And it’s possible for you too.↓


What’s next for you?

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Love this and want more?

Read the next article, Energy Causes Of Swollen Lymph Nodes That Will Surprise You

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Anne & Steve

Welcome, we are Anne & Steve, guides of the mind, emotions, & soul. We provide a unique combination of spiritual healing & self-discovery to help unify your health and energy from within. Beyond transforming health challenges, deep self-discovery is an integral part of our process to cultivate a dynamic and loving relationship with your true self. It is our joy that you found this space, and we invite you to begin your journey →

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